I wouldn’t say I’m scared of spiders, but I don’t like them. My mind seems to think something different though. Spiders have been popping up in my dreams for the last few months. They’re not exactly nightmares but are real enough to make me wake up freaked out because the dreams would usually involve me being in my own room. The worst case happened last week when a dream about a spider on my face made me jump out of bed and hit the light to see where it went. It was a first for me, but luckily I woke up everyone else in the house so they could increase my embarrassment.

Onto other things, I really like Google Video. Google has really done it again and actually made videos searchable. The beauty of what they do is encourage users of the service to add value by adding rich descriptions and making as much as possible available. I didn’t watch the Super Bowl so I’m going to be checking out the ads from the game right after this.

I added a video of my Altima this weekend and it’s already the number one ranked video for the word “Altima.” I’ll probably be adding more videos later because I’m so low on bandwidth here. One of my favorite videos is this amazing comeback from a Street Fighter 3 tournament.

Check out the comic Mike Birbiglia. I’d heard him a while back, but didn’t remember who he was until I saw his special again. He’s touring right now, but I almost don’t think it’d be worth it because I’ve heard so much of his stuff. You can watch his appearance on The Late Show and a few of his bits that were used on Shorties Watching Shorties.