The Nightshift car show was back in Illinois yesterday, but instead of having it in Chicago it took place at Toyota Park in Bridgeview. I was really annoyed by that because it was in the middle of nowhere and we had to pay $15 to park in what could barely be called a parking lot. For the most part, Nightshift was the same offshoot of Hot Import Nights. The drifting didn’t seem the same as previous years though. The breaks between sessions seemed like they were bigger. The Euros and American cars had a stronger presence this year. Bar Society seemed like a big reason the Euros were there and GM Tuner Source. This show was different because it had an R33, R34, and R35 (Skyline) GT-R. The blue Skyline was my favorite of the three. The models at the show were probably the best I’ve seen all year. The EuroProjektz booth was one of the most elaborate ones I’ve ever seen for a car club. I took hundreds of pictures at the show. Click here for all of my pictures from Hot Import Nights Nightshift 2008.