Fuelfed Coffee & Classics Barrington: October 2, 2022

For October, I made it out to my first Coffee & Classics event in Barrington. Barrington only has a few of these Fuelfed events a year, so I made sure to at least catch the last one. Two things I noticed were some very nicely restored Mecedes-Benz and Porsche cars. There were some cars I had not seen before, and they had some beautiful interior details to match the work done on the outside.

I arrived later in the day, so fewer cars were there. It was still a wonderful collection of cars. It gave me more time to focus on individual cars. The one downside was that I didn't get as much time with the Ferrari BB512i. It was one of the first cars I spotted, but the owner had to leave before I could circle back to where the car was parked. All in all, it was a very nice event.