Yesterday, VintageFest took place at the Bill Jacobs Vintage Reserve in Willowbrook, IL. VintageFest is a special show geared towards owners of classic BMWs. This was my first time seeing a BMW M1 in person. Before then, I didn’t realize that the M1 had an inline six cylinder engine. This was also my first time seeing a BMW Z1 in person. The Z1 is an interesting vehicle because its doors, which retract vertically down rather than swinging outward. The Z1 was never officially sold in the U.S. and isn’t legal here so I’m not eve sure how the owner got his hands on it. I spoke with the owner of a BMW 2002 with an S14 engine from a BMW M3. A BMW 3.0CSL really caught my eye at the show. I wish BMW still released race cars for the street.